Tuesday, January 9, 2007

my thoughts about increasing the troops in Iraq

Shortly, as another more explanatory blog will follow. It simply doesn't make sense to increase the troops in Iraq. Except for window dressing and pure domestic political reasons..... The additional forces would possibly quelch the insurgents....temporarily. As soon as they start leaving Iraq it will start all over again. More American lifes will be wasted, more Americans will be injured phisically and mentally for life...The result will be zero at a very high cost. There is no way in the short term to prevent Shiites and Sunnis to fight themselves. The majority shiites, with the support of Iran, that were supressed for so many years by the minority Sunnis of Saddam Hussein will take revenge for their suffering, of their family members that were killed, of their money that was stolen. This is part of history and only time may heal the rivalry and fight, with a lot of political negotiations backed by reason and good sense.....And I didn't even put the Kurds into the equation....

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