Monday, December 24, 2007

Condolleza Rice

Condi Rice was in the "war team" as special adviser to Pres. Bush. The she sided with Collin Powel and collided with Rumsfeld. She became Secretary of State in the 2nd. Bush term. Condi Rice became a major force in the US government is straighten things out in the world. Iran slowed down their nuclear program and specially talking about it, an agreement with North Korea has been set forth and the world seems to be quiet down lately. I do believe that Condi Rice has been behind the scenes working quietly in putting order in the convoluted world created by the invasion of Iraq. Condi Rice for president?!?!?

1 comment:

Andante said...

Condi Rice, how sweet! This woman pursues her ambition w/o boundary. Nothing she says, acts, moves, expressed, acts is not for her own benefit. This the most selfish, vile, dishonest and egocentric human being. She has used her charm successfully for her own ambition. This is very angry and terribly dangerous woman